On March 30, three days after the President signed the CARES Act into law, we launched our LiveTALK online video broadcast series to inform our members, supporters, and the public about the PPP and EIDL. Watch our past videos here, giving the community valuable advice, opportunities, strategies, and more.
As I write to you, I am worried for our country and with a very heavy heart. People are scared and angry. George Floyd’s death has sparked wide protests but these peaceful demonstrations have been mixed with violence, riots and clashes with the police.
Smriti Zaneveld founded Houston-based Lazarus 3D to transform the way surgeons are trained. She was one of the winners of USPAACC’s 2019 What’s Your Pitch competition. We checked in with her to see how her company has grown and get her advice for future contestants. This year’s pitch competition will be held online. Applications are open until June 15th.
Stacey's Rise Project is expanding in the 2020 year to support 15 female business founders. Each finalist will receive mentoring and funding resources. Application due on June 1, 2020.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization and Office of the Chief Procurement Officer are co-sponsoring a Historically Underutilized Business Zone Small Business Conference on Thursday, May 14.
It’s quiet. It’s quite nice, but I still miss my office.
Federal Government Agencies and large corporations provide resources for small businesses to survive the disruptions brought by COVID-19 pandemic.
A message from USPAACC National President & CEO in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and changes to our annual CelebrASIAN Business + Procurement Conference.