Programs Innovation Programs

Young Disrupters & Entrepreneurs

This session features successful entrepreneurs and business leaders who have upended an existing market with a disruptive innovation. They will share insights into how to discover disruptive innovations and how to turn disruptive ideas/concepts into actual game changing innovations.

What's Your Pitch

Are you an entrepreneur with a unique business idea, product or service? Are you an investor looking for the next great thing to invest in? Are you a corporate buyer looking for an innovative product or service? If so, this program is just for you!


Information and technology executives will provide a deeper understanding of the current technology landscape, how it relates to their respective Fortune companies, its impact on their industry and the medium, small and minority businesses that they work with, sell and/or buy from.

CTO & CIO Council

A gathering of industry leaders who constantly look for new avenues of innovation seek strategic solutions, and welcome opportunities to connect with peers to share invaluable market intelligence, best practices, through leadership and much more.