Valuable advice on repositioning business plans, available business opportunities with Fortune corporations and the federal government, short-term cash flow strategies, and more.
Recent events have laid bare long-standing racial fault lines and disparities in our country. This talk will bring together Asian American, Black and Latino leaders across industries to take stock of…
LeShaun Smedley, Manager of Diversity and Inclusion of Kroger and Debra Quade, Supplier Diversity Manager from Kellogg's join up with USPAACC to share advice on how to get business in the food…
Patrick Lee, the co-founder of Rotten Tomatoes, joins up with USPAACC to share tips on running a successful startup company. Patrick Lee will share his tips on, maintaining focus for startups,…
Melissa Jenkins, Program Analyst, Outreach/In-reach, and WOSB Program Manager from the Department of Treasury joins up with USPAACC to help businesses understand how the Department of Treasury…
USPAACC LiveTALK will host Dr. Lanhee J. Chen from Director of Domestic Policy Studies, Public Policy Program, Stanford University and Policy Advisor and Policy Director to 2 U.S. Presidents & 2…
USPAACC’s WebCAST on Rebooting our Economy will focus on bringing the right financial resources and supply chain opportunities to the small, medium enterprises and diverse owned businesses. We will…
Kimberly Watson, Assistant Vice President for Procurement and Strategic Sourcing at the University of Maryland College Park shares their current supply chain opportunities, how COVID-19 has impacted…
Nicaela Chinnaswamy, Senior Associate from Goldman Sachs and Diana Doukas, Policy Manager Economic Impact for Facebook join USPAACC to talk about their small business grants program. Facebook is…
Tim Fulton, the President of Small Business Matters and Bill McDermott, the Profitability Coach of McDermott Financial Solutions give their insights on short term cash flow strategy. The video…
Zoraida Rodriguez, Manager of Public Policy Federal Affairs for Uber, talks about the small business opportunities and what Uber is doing to help small businesses. The programs to help businesses…
Ryan Silvestre, Sr. Business Consultant, from the New Jersey Small Business Development Center joins USPAACC once again to talk about the Paycheck Protection Program. The video covers how people…
Ryan Silvestre, Sr. Business Consultant, from the New Jersey Small Business Development Center gives his insight on the SBA Disaster Loan program. The video goes over what are the qualifications and…