The US Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce (USPAACC) strongly believes in investing in our future leaders. Since 1989, over $2 million in scholarships have been awarded through the organization. These awards, ranging from $3,000 to $5,000, are given every year to high school students around the country for their post-secondary education.
This year, the application deadline for USPAACC’s Scholarship Program is April 12. Those wishing to apply can visit for the Scholarship Application Form. In 2016, 19 scholarships were available through the program. Over 3,000 applications are received annually.
Major corporations have established their Hallmark Scholarships with USPAACC, and Asian American businesses have stepped forward to support the scholarship program and endow their own scholarships.
Here are some of the 2017 Scholarships available, with more to be announced:USPAACC National President & CEO Susan Allen commented, "We look forward to working with our corporate partners to enable talented Asian American students to realize their dreams of advancing their education and becoming leaders in our society across all different sectors."
Washington, DC -(December 2, 2024) – The US Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce Education Foundation (USPAACC) is partnering with Denny’s, Inc., as part of the 2024/25 Hungry for EducationTM (HFE) scholarship program, a major initiative to help bring communities together and promote education. Now open for applications, the Denny’s HFE program will award more than $130,000 in scholarships to deserving high school and college students throughout the United States and Puerto Rico, and we’re proud to be a partner this year.
USPAACC CEO Susan Au Allen had meetings with the offices of House Appropriations Committee Chairwoman Kay Granger (R-TX), Representative Lou Correa (D-CA), and Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) this week to discuss the importance and impact of the Community Navigator Pilot Program (CNPP).
The US Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce Education Foundation (USPAACC) has awarded 14 college scholarships totaling $54,000 to high school seniors across the country. The scholarships will help the students pursue their college dreams and prepare them for future leadership roles.