LiveTALK Certification 201

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Businesses that have gotten certified often wonder what is next. Ranjani Mohana of R Mo Diversity Solutions joins us to talk about the next steps, important resources, and the way businesses can make the most out of their certification. Known as the "Certification Lady", Ranjani Mohana shares useful tips and guidance on what a business should do after they have been certified. Using her extensive knowledge and experience she answers pressing questions regarding certification. Join us to learn more about what to do after you have been certified and why it is so important for a minority-owned business to pursue certification.


  • Kevin Nguyen, Membership and Certification Specialist, Database System Specialist-Community Navigator Pilot Program
  • Ranjani Mohana, R Mo Diversity Solutions, "Certification Lady"


Kevin Nguyen
Membership and Certification Specialist Database System Specialist-Community Navigator Pilot Program USPAACC

Kevin Nguyen

Membership and Certification Specialist Database System Specialist-Community Navigator Pilot Program

Ranjani Mohana
Founder of R Mo Diversity Solutions R Mo Diversity Solutions

Ranjani Mohana

Founder of R Mo Diversity Solutions
R Mo Diversity Solutions

Ranjani Mohana created a business niche in 2011, R Mo Diversity Solutions, after seeing businesses struggle through the long-drawn process of lengthy applications and numerous supporting documents to be certified as diverse business.

R Mo Diversity Solutions evaluates and assists businesses to be diversity certified. The main value R Mo provides is to guide certified clients to activate their certifications for growth opportunities. With 10+ years in service, R Mo is contracted with several corporations across US to certify their suppliers globally and manage databases. Ranjani’s innovative idea became a refreshing relief for corporations to increase their diversity spend and business owners to gain visibility into growth opportunities.

She involves herself with various non-profit organizations that gives her the opportunity to serve the community.

Main Sponsors
Wells Fargo